Hi guys! Here is my first post. Just something I have been telling myself when i feel like i’m feeling lost. I am just a beginner and I hope I can grow through my writing! Please feel free to leave any comments below. I would be very grateful! 🙂 So here goes…



Hold On Tight…

Hold on tight- When life hits you in the face

Hold on tight- like you did in your mothers womb.
Reassuring yourself that you will be born.

Again and again…

Hold on tight- there is always a way, even if you don’t feel the grip.

The invisible web has already been spun out…

Hold on tight- because once you hit that web, you will become beautiful.
Wrapped in silk strings of love and affection.

Hold on tight and never let go of hope!

Wait for the new you after you pass that sparkling web of self-transformation!

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